What is Family Law and How Does It Differ From State to State?

What is family law?

By Cynthia N. Grob, Esq. Family law differs from state to state. That is important for anyone living in New Jersey who was married in a different state or pursued a family law matter in a state where they previously resided. Some states view marital property as “community property” which should be divided equally 50-50 […]

Safety Tips to Prevent Common Personal Injuries

Tips to avoid personal injury at home and on the road

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. Accidents occur every day and can happen in the most ordinary situations, such as riding a bicycle or jogging. Fortunately, many of these incidents can be avoided or minimized. Below is a list of essential safety tips to consider before you leave your house, start your car, or head out […]

Shareholders Beware: What To Know About Reporting S Corporation Taxes

To elect to be taxed as an S corporation, business entities cannot have (i) more than 100 shareholders (all of whom must be individuals, certain trusts and estates), (ii) non-resident alien shareholders or (iii) more than one class of stock.

By Craig Panholzer & Michael L. Salad Many small businesses are taxed as S corporations because of tax benefits, such as the ability to avoid corporate tax on a business’s earnings. Unlike C corporations, S corporations generally do not pay federal income taxes at the corporate level. Alternatively, profits and losses are passed through to […]

What To Know About Child Custody

Courts weigh the best interests of a child in making their custody decisions.

By Cynthia N. Grob, Esq. When two spouses end their marriage, a court will decide how custody of the couple’s minor children is divided between the parents. Custody consists of both physical and legal components, which are two different issues for the court to resolve. How is custody decided? A court will decide whether one […]

ATV Riders Beware of Off-Road Personal Injury Accident Dangers 

More than 94,700 injuries associated with off-road and all-terrain vehicles were treated at the nation’s hospital emergency rooms in 2022.

 By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. The exhilaration of riding an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway vehicle is a thrilling experience for many who love the outdoors in all kinds of weather.  In New Jersey, off-highway vehicles that are not registered as street legal are not allowed to drive on public roads. Off-highway vehicles (OHV) can be driven […]

Boating Safety Tips To Avoid Accidents, Personal Injury

If you are injured in a boating accident, not only can the party responsible be held accountable based on negligence, but it also is possible they violated state, federal, or maritime laws.

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. While boating is a popular activity that provides people with an outlet to relax and spend time with family and friends, boating accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence and often result in severe injury or death. While each contributing factor of individual boating accidents can be unique, there are various […]

Tips To Avoid Personal Injury While Traveling Through Airports

Keeping safety in mind while traveling by air can ensure you avoid personal injury and safely reach your destination.

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. People are always ready to take a vacation. Whether it is a chance to get away from home or work, airlines fly hundreds of millions of people each year to various destinations. While some people prefer to take their vacation by car, 5% to 6% percent of trips are taken […]

5 Questions To Ask A Child Custody Attorney

It is important to create a clear plan for child custody with your attorney to keep everyone on the same page.

By Cynthia N. Grob, Esq. New Jersey courts make child custody decisions based on a child’s best interest, but the nuances of child custody law can influence case outcomes.  Navigating child custody concerns does not involve just one parent and is not about one parent getting what they want. It is important to create a […]

Does a 529 College Savings Account Affect Medicaid Eligibility?

By Craig Panholzer & Michael L. Salad As back to school approaches for many, parents experience the inevitable emotional rollercoaster of sending their children to college. Joyful emotions are mixed with angst that comes with the first tuition bill.  Many people set aside funds to pay for a child or grandchild’s college education through a […]

What To Know About Accidental Death And Compensation

Accidental death is defined as a death that is the result of an accident or unintentional injuries that are not due to natural causes.

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. Accidental deaths occur when someone dies due to an unintentional or unforeseenevent such as motor vehicle traffic accidents, falls, accidental poisoning, and drowning. Bicycle accidents are one type of accident that can lead to unintentional death. Accidental death is defined as a death that is the result of an accident […]