The Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Responsibilities of Large, Midsize & Small Employers

Date: 11/19/2014
Publication: Website
CooperLevenson Publication: Website
Summary: Introduction: An Employer’s responsibility to offer health insurance under the Affordable Care Act depends on the number of full time equivalent people employed. A business with fewer than 50 full time equivalent employees is not required to offer health insurance; beginning in 2016, a business with 50-99 employees is, and in 2015, a business with more than 100 employees must offer insurance to 70% of its employees which increases to 95% beginning in 2016. The uninsured can buy insurance in the Individual Health Insurance Marketplace; financial assistance may be available. Small business owners may buy health insurance for their employees through the Small Business Health Options Program (“SHOP”), for which they may receive a tax credit.
Article: The Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Responsibilities of Large, Midsize & Small Employers.pdf .pdf