Atlantic City’s redevelopment beyond casinos will be the focus of a panel at the 2015 Annual Redevelopment Law Institute at the New Jersey Bar Association Law Center, One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, N.J. on Friday Jan. 30, 2015. Cooper Levenson’s Nicholas F. Talvacchia will be a featured presenter at the panel, titled “Atlantic City Redevelopment – What Can We Expect Beyond Casinos?” The panel session is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
The session is part of the day-long New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education for those practitioners, developers, and members of government whose work focuses on redevelopment. The seminar affords an opportunity to delve deeply into some of the issues being addressed while advising clients undertaking redevelopment projects. The program is for attorneys with a basic understanding of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law and redevelopment generally. An overview of the program agenda:
• Transit Oriented Development – large scale development around train stations, focusing on Journal Square Jersey City – David Kahan, Esq.; David Donnelly
• Atlantic City Redevelopment – What Can We Expect Beyond Casinos – Chris Paladino, Esq., Executive Director, New Brunswick Development Corporation, Craig Domalewski, Esq.; Nicholas Talvacchia, Esq.
• Lender Protections/Redevelopment Agreements – Laurie Meyers, Esq.
• NJ DCA Requirements for Transition Aid Municipalities Undertaking Redevelopment – Steven H. Sholk, Esq.; Thomas Neff
• Updates on Relevant Legislation – Robert Rothberg, Esq.
• Litigation developments impacting redevelopment, including cases regarding condemnation – Lawrence Shapiro, Esq.
Talvacchia is partner and chairman of the Land Use Practice Group at Cooper Levenson, has represented applicants before CRDA, and brings to the panel an in-depth knowledge of land use and zoning, redevelopment, environmental law and development tax incentives. He has extensive experience in the approval, financing and construction of residential and commercial development projects throughout New Jersey, and has represented national companies in obtaining approvals for residential, retail, restaurant and telecommunications projects.
Register through the NJICLE site or by calling 732-214-8500.
Cooper Levenson is a full service law firm since 1957, with 75 attorneys and New Jersey offices in Atlantic City and Cherry Hill. The firm has regional offices in Bear, Del., Harrisburg, Pa., and Las Vegas. For more information, visit