Join us at the 2020 NJSBA Virtual Workshop
Click here to join us at the 2020 NJSBA Virtual Workshop Log in and enter the exhibit floor lobby between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday October 20, 21, and 22. Click “Enter Here” to visit the lobby and type “Cooper Levenson” into the “Search for a Booth” bar. We can chat […]
Cherry Hill Squares Episode 8 – Featuring Sean Dalton, Esq.
Attorney Cynthia Grob and the Family Law team have fellow Cooper Levenson attorney Sean Dalton join this episode of Cherry Hill Squares.
Are We There Yet?- Navigating the Legal Challenges To Re-Opening
May 15, 2020Sean F. Dalton, Esq As we approach the Memorial Day holiday and the kickoff to summer, New Jersey’s restless residents and business owners will face new legal challenges as government officials attempt to ease COVID-19 restrictions while continuing to enforce aspects of Governor Murphy’s executive orders. Each week, New Jersey law enforcement officials […]
Leave No Man (or Woman) behind: Justice for Veterans
One of our nation’s most important military credos is leave no man behind. This doctrine is part of the U.S. Soldier’s Creed which powerfully but simply states, “I will never leave a fallen comrade.” It is a promise that soldiers make to each other. While the mission is paramount, each soldier is part of a […]