New Jersey High Court Reinstates the “Ongoing Storm” Rule for Businesses

Last year I authored an article that commented upon a major change in New Jersey law as it applied to commercial property owners. The Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court ruled last year that the “ongoing storm” rule of liability no longer protected commercial property owners from claims of fault brought by persons […]

Q&As with Louis Niedelman regarding Motor Vehicle Insurance in New Jersey

“If you have a registered vehicle on the road in New Jersey, must you have motor vehicle insurance?” Yes. New Jersey requires that all registered motor vehicles using the highways of this state must have insurance through a Standard policy. There is a less expensive policy called a Basic policy that has limited protections so […]

Ohio Federal Court Deals a COVID-19 Blow to Zurich Insurance Company

On January 19, 2021, the federal court in the State of Ohio was called upon to interpret a business insurance policy where the plaintiff restaurant chain sought “business interruption income losses” under their general liability insurance policy with Zurich Insurance Co. due to the COVID pandemic. The name of the decision is Henderson Rd. Rest. […]


October 28, 2020Louis Niedelman, Esq. We hear  many insurance terms. Some are well known and others  sound like a foreign language. This article should clarify the maze of certain insurance jargon. “Named Insured”: This is the name that appears in the insurance policy as “The Named Insured.” It could be a person’s name or a […]


We insure our motor vehicles, our businesses, our homes, our apartments, our condos, our jewelry, our boats, our RVs, and our lives. Do we really read and understand the insurance policies that we purchase? Or, do we just rely upon our insurance agents and brokers to find the best insurance product to suit our needs […]


Louis Niedelman, Esq.September 23, 2020 OSHA is the acronym for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It was created by an act of Congress in 1970 to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for business employees. The Act establishes and enforces workplace standards by providing training, outreach, education and assistance to employers. OSHA is a […]

Virtual Round Table COVID-19 Response and Insurance Implications

Our Insurance Defense Litigation attorneys hosted a virtual round table discussion on challenges, risk mitigation strategies, and preparedness efforts and considerations as insurers embrace the widening COVID-19 outbreak on multiple fronts, including states’ efforts to reopen and return to some semblance of normalcy.  This round table event explored and focused on the pertinent issues that […]

New Jersey Dispenses with the “on-going storm” Absolute Defense

Louis Niedelman, Esq. On April 9, 2020, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court reversed an order for summary judgment in favor of a defendant, who relied upon the “on-going storm” defense as the basis for its motion. In Pareja v. Princeton International Properties, the court ruled that the “on-going storm” defense is […]