Legal Education Never Ends

Three years of law school (following four years of college) is just a start in the arduous task of becoming a lawyer and staying current. A few years ago, the judiciary of the State of New Jersey recognized this and began mandating Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) for all lawyers. Attorneys must accumulate 24 credits of CLE over a two year period, four of which must be in Ethics.

Cooper Levenson was one of the first law firms in the state to receive the status of an accredited CLE course provider, meaning that we can give seminars for our own attorneys as well as for interested outside counsel. Reaping the benefits of a large staff of experienced attorneys with concentrated practices in a wide variety of fields, the firm has been hosting an average of two CLE courses a month. The range of topics covered has ranged from The Law of Bullying in Schools to Estate Planning to the Art of Cross-Examination of Experts to “Mathematics for Lawyers.” We have also been fortunate to have been able to feature guest lecturers including physicians and retired judges who have given their perspective on the issues in question.

With an average of two dozen new state cases coming down each day as well as mountains of new legislation and additional administrative regulations, staying up-to-date and informed on the law is a process which never stops. The firm is committed to staying on top of all of this and spreading our knowledge to all those who need to know.

Contact us today to talk with an experienced attorney.
