Dec. 1 Deadline: Cooper Levenson Holiday Card Art Contest 2020 Edition

Cooper Levenson is proud to announce a Holiday Card Art Contest, open to students in grades 1 – 8. The prizes are a $50 gift card to the winning student (to use however they like), and a $100 gift card to the winning student’s art teacher, to be used for art supplies, a class party, or however the teacher and class decide. The rules:

  1. One (1) entry per student 
  2. Artwork must be electronically submitted, by art teacher, either via Dropbox or email to (see note section below*)
  3. Artwork size: 11″ wide x 8-1/2″ tall (landscape), with student information (Name, grade, school teacher and teacher email and phone number included.)  
  4. Students in grades 1 – 8 may enter 
  5. Theme:Home For The Holidays
  6. Entries will not be returned and will become the property of Cooper Levenson. 
  7. Hand-drawn art only! Crayons, paints, markers or pen and ink.

Winning entries will be reproduced on holiday cards and other materials for distribution.  

A submitted entry will serve as authorization for Cooper Levenson to use artwork, name, grade, photos and images, for publication purposes.

Judging Criteria

Relevance to theme – Originality – Creativity – Use of color – Use of space 

Submissions must be received BEFORE 5 p.m. on December 1, 2020. Artwork must be electronically submitted, by art teacher, either via Dropbox or by email ( – please email artwork directly or contact us for dropbox details.)

*NOTE: If you are emailing the entries, please include the student artist, teacher, and school information in the body of your email.  If you are uploading the artwork to DropBox, please name the file “StudentName-TeacherName” and include the remaining information in the notes section of the file you uploaded.
