Playing It Safe On Playgrounds in New Jersey

Parents and guardians need to familiarize themselves with the risks on playgrounds and how to prevent injuries.

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. It’s always fun to take a trip to the park or community recreation area for outside fun. Many children head to a neighborhood playground and immediately start climbing and swinging on equipment. The playground seems harmless, but take a closer look at the surroundings. Parents and guardians need to familiarize […]

N.J. Good Samaritan Law Keeps Safe People Who Help

Not everyone knows how to react in an emergency. However, two Good Samaritan laws in New Jersey encourage bystanders to help anyone injured or experiencing a drug overdose

By Kathleen F. Beers, Esq. Not everyone knows how to react in an emergency. However, two Good Samaritan laws in New Jersey encourage bystanders to help anyone injured or experiencing a drug overdose. The first Good Samaritan Law provides legal protection for bystanders and witnesses aiding others during an emergency. N.J.S. A. §2A:62A-1 entitled Civil […]